Thursday 30 October 2014

Oh my god! Bentonite Clay!

Tonight I had the absolute worst itching that I can remember. So intense that I was actually thinking about getting some wire wool and scrubbing the skin on my arms off..Bloody appalling. Instead I reached for a ready mixed batch of clay and plastered it all over. The itching stopped in minutes. So tonight I'll be going back to my old beauty regime to illiminate any chances of sleep-scratching which is lethal.

I've had a busy two three days. Went to pick up the shed but it wasn't ready to be picked up, still full to the brim with stuff. It's a lovely shed and bigger than I expected. Huge thankyou to Denise! Looks like I might be able to adapt it into a lovely work space. It'll need repair and I need to beg steal or borrow a couple of fit men or women, about 10ft by 9ft of paving stones to sit it on, two architectural chip boards measuring 8ft by 4ft some waterproofing and a brain or two because mine doesn't work. We agreed that it will be good to get this stuff in place before going back to take it apart. Any offers? I will make you some art and some good good food in return. Or there'll be a bottle of your choice in it for you..come on I know we can do this thing!

I had a mixed day today a visit to SoundHeart Music school to check out a room I may be able to use for free for a while so I continue working with my one client. There are three choices and they are pretty suitable. What a relief! Rosita at Soundheart is an absolute angel and willing to support me to keep seeing this one boy and then when I am well enough to begin building a practice from there I will start paying rent. I'm so pleased because it's a good piece of work I'm doing with this boy, we are really getting somewhere. Sothis is good news indeed.

Then on to the dentist to sound him out about tmy mercry poisoning. This was very upsetting because of course I had to recite to him what's happened to my body and my life since January. When I talk about it like this it upsets me because I still can't really believe it's happening to me. It's getting more and more difficult to hide the effects. I'm closer to not attempting to hide it from people, which is good and bad, but it's hard to let go of this idea I have of myself waking up one morning and everything is fine again, all the work has paid off and as with giving birth, I can hardly remember the pain of it...It brings up a lot for me whichever way I look at it.

The dentist does not have the equipment for safely removing amalgam fillings. He told me not to worry that I would only feel the ill effects for about 6 weeks afterwards. Hello! Please see the link that I shared on tuesday if you are in any doubt. He has however pledged that he will fully support me to approach the NHS about paying for removal and replacement. The tooth that is broken and pouring out mercury is going to go. I decided today. I have to say goodbye and thank you to it in the hope that removing it will make a difference to the healing process. I know that it will because all of my symptoms are of mercury poisoning. Next week I am having it extracted. Wouldn't it be fabulous if this was all I needed to do. Hah!

I then visited Roger Dyson Kinesiologist who has written me a letter of support imploring the NHS to help me. I'm just exhausted now and I can't get warm even though my skin is burning like a little furnace.

Old Tommy Cooper joke:
‘So I went to the dentist.
He said 'Say Aaah.'
I said 'Why?'
He said 'My dog's died.'

Today's music:
..I love this..dear dead days.. Over and out now..


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